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Topic review


Re: Putty integration

WinSCP does this in opposite direction. See Commands/Open in Putty. It exports current session to Putty settings and open the session with Putty.

Putty integration

I was wondering if any one is interested in integrating winscp more tightly with putty?
i have a proof of concept at:
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

This is very much proof of concept:

1. displays a winscp menu item
2. when you click on it, does CreateProcess(winscp.exe)
3. the correct directory is opened

1. winscp path is hardcoded (c:\program files\winscp3\winscp3.exe)
2. does not load up the proper profile:
basically execs: winscp username@host:path
This will hence not work if you have a firewall

cybernytrix at y a h o o dot com
