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Re: I have the issue aswell in version 5.7.7.

Cr4xy wrote:

The title says it all.

How do you run WinSCP? Did you try to run WinSCP with the factory defaults? winscp.exe /ini=nul - Does it work then?

I have the issue aswell in version 5.7.7.

The title says it all.

Re: WinSCP disappears upon successful connect

martin wrote:

Are you able to reproduce this using 5.0.6 beta?

I just loaded 4.3.9, and I don't see this issue. Thanks!

Re: WinSCP disappears upon successful connect

orion205 wrote:

Is there any resolution to this bug. I am seeing this same behavior with 4.3.7. Thanks.

Are you able to reproduce this using 5.0.6 beta?

Re: WinSCP disappears upon successful connect

And about 10 seconds after I posted, the WinSCP window shows up! How did it know?!?! 8-)

There was a delay of a good 10 minutes between my login and the WinSCP commander-style window showing up.

Re: WinSCP disappears upon successful connect

Is there any resolution to this bug. I am seeing this same behavior with 4.3.7. Thanks.

Re: WinSCP disappears upon successful connect

I have sent you an email with link to a debug version.

WinSCP disappears upon successful connect

Windows 7 latest updates (Oct 13, 2011 see the log).
Crash occurs with fresh install of WinSCP 5.02 beta and 4.3.5, as well as with portable versions.

Upon connecting to a server successfully, the connection authentication dialog goes away, followed be the connection log behind it (normal stuff), and then the usual commander style interface does not open. There is no GUI associated with the still running WinSCP process. I cannot find it using alt-tab. There is nothing there. Here's my log.

I saw a similar issue that didn't really have a solution posted so I thought that this should probably come up again.