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Re: How to prevent users from browsing the root and other Folders

You might try a chroot shell approach.

I used this, which can limit the users to SCP/SFTP only, in a chroot'ed environment:

<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

Re: How to prevent users from browsing the root and other Folders

Set browse/read rights to the folders only to their owners.

How to prevent users from browsing the root and other Folders

We have a Linux Server acting as SCP Server for copying files. Out clients x1,x2,x3 use winscp for uploading/downloading files. However when a user x1 is logged on he is able to see all other Folders and sometimes also able to browse. However when he tries to go into x2 then he will get an error. My problem now is can i make sure that the user x1 when logs on wont be able to see any other directory other than his home folder??

If so can some one please guide me. This is very urgent and critical.
