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Re: Moving folders on remote site

mickylog wrote:

Please fix it as soon as possibile because I need it too!

I'll try. Unfortunatelly I've suffered HDD failure yesterday and I've lost one-week work :-(

Re: Moving folders on remote site

Please fix it as soon as possibile because I need it too!

Thanks a lot


Re: Moving folders on remote site

This will be fixed in the next version. It will be hopefully released in 2 weeks.

Moving folders on remote site

[b]In version 3.5.6 it won't let me use the "move to" command to move a folder on the server to another location on the server.
I get the below error message:

No such file or directory.
Error code: 2
Error message from server: No such file (*)
Request code: 18

When will the new version be out or will this function work in an older version? This function is very critical to my needs.
