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Re: Auto reconnect/resume queue until empty then disconnect?

martin wrote:

I have sent you an email with a development version of WinSCP for testing to email address you have used to register on this forum.

Thank you. I replied two days ago with test results and some additional information. If you did not receive this please let me know. Thanks again.

Re: Auto reconnect/resume queue until empty then disconnect?

You are most probably facing this bug:

I have sent you an email with a development version of WinSCP for testing to email address you have used to register on this forum.

Auto reconnect/resume queue until empty then disconnect?

Using beta version 5.0.6 portable with settings saved to INI file (attached).

I've been reading the guides, searching the forum and this site, but so far have not been successful at configuring WinSCP to behave the way I'd like... I'm hoping there is an easy answer and I just need to be pointed to the documentation or information that will help me... thank you in advance for help.

What I'd like to be able to do with WinSCP:

1. Manually launch WinSCP, connect to my (plain) FTP server

2. Manually queue up several downloads to transfer one at a time

3. Now have WinSCP run unattended from here on, to reconnect and resume transfers without confirmation until all downloads have finished.

4. When all downloads have finished (queue is empty), disconnect from the server.

I have been able to achieve everything above except for disconnecting automatically as soon as all the transfers have completed. Instead, WinSCP continues to connect/reconnect to the server indefinitely. (The server has a no-transfer timeout of 600 seconds and boots WinSCP off; WinSCP simply reconnects.)

Can this be achieved, to have WinSCP keep the transfers going under all conditions, but then disconnect as soon as the transfers have finished?

Thank you and best regards,