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Topic review


Re: Workaround?

I'm not aware of any.


Is there a workaround for this issue?

Re: Copy url to clipboard - missing password

martin wrote:

Thanks for your post. We will consider improving this.
Actualy, what do you want to do with the URL?

We want to send the URL with email, including username/password.

Re: Copy url to clipboard - missing password

Thanks for your post. We will consider improving this.
Actualy, what do you want to do with the URL?

Copy url to clipboard - missing password

Dear Support,

I'm using Winscp 4.3.7 but had the same problem with version 5.0.6. After opening a stored ftp session and using "File Names -> Copy URL to Clipboard" the password is missing and looks like in this example:

This shows up on both operating systems, win7(x86) and windows server 2008. I did not find any informations in the faq or the program options to fix this. Hope you can help.

Thanks in advance