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Sorry. I don't have bc++ here, so I don't think I can compile & debug here.

Re: 'File does not exist' error when file does exist

martin wrote:

ihavnoid wrote:

Since it happens so occasionly (random times, but almost every time I copy multiple folders), and there were no bug report on this, I suspect that it's a problem related to multibyte language Windows, or some unicode stuff.

Does it stop on file that has multibyte characters in the name?

Er....Not on the file itself, but the full path does.
But other paths which also has multibyte chars on it doesn't cause problems. One more thing, is that it also does happen on non-multibyte files/paths.

The one that makes copying stop is somewhat random..
If I have enough time, I'll try to run a debugger on it, but I can't promise that I would.

Re: 'File does not exist' error when file does exist

ihavnoid wrote:

Since it happens so occasionly (random times, but almost every time I copy multiple folders), and there were no bug report on this, I suspect that it's a problem related to multibyte language Windows, or some unicode stuff.

Does it stop on file that has multibyte characters in the name?

'File does not exist' error when file does exist

I'm using a Korean version of Windows XP, and a Redhat 9 default installation.
I find that when I copy multiple folders to the server, WinSCP shows a dialog that it cannot find the file that I've dragged to copy.

This happens after some of the files(if copying multiple folders, it happens on random folders, not 'random files'). Each folder has 100+ files, with no subfolders.

Since it happens so occasionly (random times, but almost every time I copy multiple folders), and there were no bug report on this, I suspect that it's a problem related to multibyte language Windows, or some unicode stuff.

Any idea?