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Topic review


Re: Overflow while converting variant of type (Integer) into typ

Thanks. Few more questions. What protocol do you use? Was it upload or download? Is it possible that you test, if the problem occurs also when you transfer set of smaller files whose total size is over the 200 GB?

Re: Overflow while converting variant of type (Integer) into typ

martin wrote:

What version of WinSCP are you using? How large was the file?

Version 4.3.5

Re: Overflow while converting variant of type (Integer) into typ

What version of WinSCP are you using? How large was the file?

Overflow while converting variant of type (Integer) into typ

While transferring a very large file over the weekend this message popped up,'Overflow while converting variant of type (Integer) into type (LongWord)". I now can not copy or delete anything on WinSCP. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
