- martin
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Topic review
- thunder7553
Display bytes to be transfered before synchronize
When synchronizing directories, there is a time lapse before the synchronization starts ("Comparing.."). It is my understanding that at this stage, the local and remote directories are read and a difference list (files to be transfered) is build. Is it possible to display the total files to be tranfsered and/or the total number of bytes that are sent/received are displayed? That would help to anticiapte how long the synchronization will take. It would be great if that information was available for the .NET Assembly (btw: very good!!) as well.
When synchronizing directories, there is a time lapse before the synchronization starts ("Comparing.."). It is my understanding that at this stage, the local and remote directories are read and a difference list (files to be transfered) is build. Is it possible to display the total files to be tranfsered and/or the total number of bytes that are sent/received are displayed? That would help to anticiapte how long the synchronization will take. It would be great if that information was available for the .NET Assembly (btw: very good!!) as well.