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Re: File Dates out by 12 Months !!

Question; where do I change from SCP to SFTP, I must have my dark glasses on again because I cant find it.

See Session tab of login dialog.

Re: File Dates out by 12 Months !!

martin wrote:

What protocol do you use SCP or SFTP? If SCP, try SFTP instead.

Also please explain, what you mean be sentence:
This could just be a little annoying if it wasn’t for the fact that WinSCP then decides this is a non file anf won’t allow it to be edited

Does it mean that the file is treated as directory?

Mmmm, why do people talk of learning curves when they mean a vertical cliff??

Your question about the directory led me to double check file permissions:- I was using /var/tmp as a temporary location for the files I was working on, this directory has the "sticky bit" which is why I was having the problem with editing < I think >>>.

Question; where do I change from SCP to SFTP, I must have my dark glasses on again because I cant find it.

Many thanks for the help and in anticipation of another answer.


Re: File Dates out by 12 Months !!

What protocol do you use SCP or SFTP? If SCP, try SFTP instead.

Also please explain, what you mean be sentence:
This could just be a little annoying if it wasn't for the fact that WinSCP then decides this is a non file anf won't allow it to be edited

Does it mean that the file is treated as directory?

File Dates out by 12 Months !!


I can't work this one out, nor can I find any reference to it on the net.

The problem is this, if I create a file by using touch, or copy it from one folder to another, or even edit it, the date changes from 2004 to 2003. This could just be a little annoying if it wasn't for the fact that WinSCP then decides this is a non file and won't allow it to be edited. It also affects the programs I am running.

I have checked date hwclock and all appears to be synced.

Has anyone got any idea?? I'll just gently bang my head against the wall while I wait :(
