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Thank you! :)

Forgot to add that I'm using WinSCP v.4.3.7 (build 1679) with the Explorer interface on Windows Pro x64.

Binary file not opening correctly


I have a binary file "X" that is exactly 3072 bytes in size (1024 * 3) on a remote Linux server.

1) Drag and drop the file "X" from the server to my local Windows 7 machine. This will be file "A".

2) Open the file "X" within WinSCP's file explorer (this will open up the file using whatever text editor I have it set up with). Now go to the temporary local directory that the file saved to. This will be file "B".

"A" and "B" should both be identical to "X", but "B"'s hash doesn't match with that of "A" and "X".

Doing a hex comparison, the differences between B and A are the bytes: 0x0D.

Where is this 0x0D coming from? This becomes a problem when using WinSCP to open my file in a text editor, as it reads more data than it should.