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Topic review


Thank you so much. I will check with the admin and get to you back.

Thanks again :)

martin wrote:

OK, sorry, I've misunderstood your original post.

I suppose there's some process on the server-side that takes the uploaded files away for further processing. Please check with server administrator.
:D :D :D :)

OK, sorry, I've misunderstood your original post.

I suppose there's some process on the server-side that takes the uploaded files away for further processing. Please check with server administrator.

Yes I see them instantly, but as I said after a couple of refreshes, I don't see them.

Your forum has been so helpful. Thank you so much guys.

Re: cannot see copied files in winscp interface after refreshing

What if you upload files from the GUI. Do you see them instantly?

cannot see copied files in winscp interface after refreshing


I am new to this winscp thing.

I am using winscp dll for .net and a portable winscp.exe file to transfer files from local directory to remote server.

I get a success result but I can see the files only for a few mins in the winscp interface. I dont see them if I refresh it couple of times.

I think we have to see the files all the time not just for a few mins. Correct me if I am wrong.

Can someone help me with this...

Below is my code.

Thanks in advance.

SessionOptions sessionOptions = new SessionOptions
Protocol = Protocol.Sftp,
HostName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HOSTNAME"].ToString(),
UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["USERNAME"].ToString(),
Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PASSWORD"].ToString(),
PortNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PORT_NUMBER"]),
SshHostKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SSH_HOSTKEY"].ToString(),

using (Session session = new Session())
// Connect

// Upload files
TransferOptions transferOptions = new TransferOptions();
transferOptions.TransferMode = TransferMode.Binary;
transferOptions.PreserveTimestamp = false;

TransferOperationResult transferResult;
transferResult = session.PutFiles(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SOURCE_DIRECTORY"].ToString(),
false, transferOptions);

// Throw on any error

// Print results
//foreach (TransferEventArgs transfer in transferResult.Transfers)
// Console.WriteLine("Upload of {0} succeeded", transfer.FileName);