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Re: Which folders were copied?

sparkling wrote:

Thanks for your reply. How can I remove FTP and SSH server's logs running on that box?

That's out of scope of this forum.

Re: Which folders were copied?

martin wrote:

He/she can, as long as the SSH or FTP server logs all accesses.

Thanks for your reply. How can I remove FTP and SSH server's logs running on that box?

Re: Which folders were copied?

He/she can, as long as the SSH or FTP server logs all accesses.

Which folders were copied?

Hi all,

I have been using WinSCP for a while now. I connect to my remote machines and move files from those Unix machines to my Windows machine. I was wondering if there is a way for another person who has access to both the remote box and my box (or just has root on the Unix box) to see which folders I had copied or accessed.
