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I seem to have solved my problem by using SFTP instead. :D

But would still love to know why windows firewall on client was causing passive FTP connection to be unreliable - I would prefer to use it.

Windows 7 firewall problem.

I'm using automation to download entire contents of remote FTP server to my local clean install Win 7 machine.

For the connection I am using FTP with TLS Explicit in passive mode with keepalive of 30 seconds.

This is my script:

option batch on
option confirm off
open XXXX@X.X.X.X
option transfer binary
synchronize local C:\SITE -delete

Everything has been working fine for months until I installed some web apps to the FTP server with 100's of files and many folders (wordpress/gallery etc).

Now I get this error in the console 3 minutes into the synchronization:

Lost connection.
Disconnected from server
Could not retrieve directory listing
Accepted data connection
Error listing directory '/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx'.
Session 'XXXX@X.X.X.X' closed.
No session.
No session.
No session.
No session.
No session.
No session.

This only occurs after 3 minutes of traversing directories which did not need updating on the local machine. When run the first time, when the local directory is empty, I do not get this problem.

When I disable the Windows Firewall entirely the synchronize works. However, with the Windows Firewall turned on and no matter what settings I seem to try I always get the problem.

I am not a windows firewall expert but in testing I have tried:

1. Allowing all connections for WinSCP.exe and
2. Telling the firewall to 'Allow' for all inbound connections, to any program (configured in 'Advanced Settings>Firewall Properties>Private Profile' of Windows Firewall).
3. Telling the firewall to log dropped packets (the log remains empty).

The error only seems to go away when I completely turn off the firewall ('Advanced Settings>Firewall Properties>Private Profile>Firewall State>OFF').

The firewall log does not show any dropped packets, which is confusing me.

What are the correct settings to overcome this issue?

Thank you for such a great program. Any help appreciated :)