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Topic review


Re: problems with winscp3.7.5 beta

@mornauer: First of all: it seems to me that this has nothing to do with the topic you follow. Am I right?

To your question: It is hard to tell. Can you try to specify IOP address instead of domain/host name?

problems with winscp3.7.5 beta

With my PC WINSCP3 works normaly.
Recently I have downloaded winscp3.7.5 beta to my notebook with the same implements.
Result: "host does not exist"
What is wrong?

Re: WinSCP Denial of Service using sftp:// and scp://

I have not known about this problem. Thanks for pointing my attention to it. I'll fix this in the next version (within about week).

WinSCP Denial of Service using sftp:// and scp://

Is there an update on work for this DoS using the registered URL types?
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

As work-around remove the keys
from your registry.
