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Re: Trying to resume .iso (plain ol' file) copy

pand0ra wrote:

Sorry about the post. I just noticed the server dosn't support SFTP. So.....yeah, can't resume download.

If you are able to login with SFTP protocol, and from your post I understand that you are, then your server supports SFTP. The error message above is prove, because it is SFTP error message!
I also suppose that there were some other message on the error dialog, please post it as well. Or even better, post a log file.

Re: Trying to resume .iso (plain ol' file) copy

pand0ra wrote:

I get this error when I try to resume a .iso file copy. Don't know how the transfer got interrupted (maybe screensaver?). Tried to log out and log back in, no change. Anyone have any suggestions?

General failure.
Error code: 4
Error message from server: Failure (*)
Request code: 6


Sorry about the post. I just noticed the server dosn't support SFTP. So.....yeah, can't resume download.

Trying to resume .iso (plain ol' file) copy

I get this error when I try to resume a .iso file copy. Don't know how the transfer got interrupted (maybe screensaver?). Tried to log out and log back in, no change. Anyone have any suggestions?

General failure.
Error code: 4
Error message from server: Failure (*)
Request code: 6