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Re: cannot login to win 2000 ssh server

Check the servers log to see why it disconnects the client.

cannot login to win 2000 ssh server

i'm using openssh which is working fine but winscp cannot connect.

here are the last lines of my log file:
Using stored password.
. Sent password
. Access granted
. Opened channel for session
. Started a shell/command
. Server sent command exit status 1
. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. Using SFTP protocol.
. Doing startup conversation with host.
> Type: SSH_FXP_INIT, Size: 5, Number: -1
. All channels closed. Disconnecting
* (ESshFatal) Kann das SFTP nicht initialisieren. Läuft  auf dem entfernten Rechner ein SFTP Server-Programm?
* Die Verbindung wurde unerwartet geschlossen. Der Server sendete den Befehlsbeendigungsstatus 1.