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Re: Server unexpectedly closed network connection

NetBox 2.1.10 27.08.2012

* SCP, SFTP: add session option "Optimize connection buffer size"

Re: Server unexpectedly closed network connection

martin wrote:

I mean this:
Currently the "Optimize connection buffer size" has to be explicitly set to "off" when connecting to buggy version of OpenSSH.

Anyway i suggestion wishes: add baloon notification with text "has to be explicitly set to "off" when connecting to buggy version of OpenSSH" when mouse around gui options "Optimize connection buffer size".

Re: Server unexpectedly closed network connection

martin wrote:

I mean this:
Currently the "Optimize connection buffer size" has to be explicitly set to "off" when connecting to buggy version of OpenSSH.

Thank you for information...., now I know who this options exist already, i don't know about this earlier....
i check already work fine with buggy SSHd... I report wishes to author plugin for FAR - Netbox about possible use this options.

Re: Server unexpectedly closed network connection

I mean this:
Currently the "Optimize connection buffer size" has to be explicitly set to "off" when connecting to buggy version of OpenSSH.

Re: Server unexpectedly closed network connection

martin wrote:

Zeroes wrote:

But anyway i wish what winscp may use workaround (automatic or manually) for this problem.

Well, there's manual workaround, as you have found out yourself.

use SecureFX or old version WinSCP? I think user want use one latest version WinSCP :)

PS. hotfix for Check Point system resolve my problem.

Re: Server unexpectedly closed network connection

Zeroes wrote:

But anyway i wish what winscp may use workaround (automatic or manually) for this problem.

Well, there's manual workaround, as you have found out yourself.

Re: Server unexpectedly closed network connection

martin wrote:

Thanks for your investigation. Can you please try to reproduce this also using SFTP protocol?

when i try connect i get:
Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?

I open issue about my trouble and Check Point do it for our company private hotfix (I try accept this tomorrow), But anyway i wish what winscp may use workaround (automatic or manually) for this problem.

Re: Server unexpectedly closed network connection

Thanks for your investigation. Can you please try to reproduce this also using SFTP protocol?

Re: Server unexpectedly closed network connection

I test again

trouble 100% begin when I download from server to client more when 10mb file, upload do it without troubles (check up to 200 mb ok). in log file \var\log\secure I found:
Aug 7 17:30:54 cpgw sshd[6286]: fatal: buffer_append_space: alloc 10498048 not supported

SecureFX again work without troubles.
Ok, i search on google about 'buffer_append_space' and found answer what this bug OpenSSH, but client may workaround this trouble and winscp419 work fine.

Dear Mr. Martin Prikryl how time need to relize this:
Currently the "Optimize connection buffer size" has to be explicitly set to "off" when connecting to buggy version of OpenSSH.

? :)

Server unexpectedly closed network connection


I check winscp439 and winscp508 RC, under Win7 x86 sp1. Server - SPLAT system (based on Red Hat Linux) with Check Point NG v70.50

problem: i get error "Server unexpectedly closed network connection" when i try
transfer file from server (SCP connect) with size 102,400,000 bytes. Destination
file on disk after close connection ~ 0.5-1.5 Mb. %temp% and destination path
have some Gb free space.

Small files I transfer without any problem (test less 2Mb file)

I test under SecureFX7.0 build 326 - this program successful transfer my file under SCP.