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Re: enable UTF-8 for remote server copy with .NET Assmbly in SCP

WinSCP does not support UTF-8 with SCP.

Edit 2021: UTF-8 with SCP is supported now, see the link above.

enable UTF-8 for remote server copy with .NET Assmbly in SCP

We have downloaded the Portable executable & .NET assembly/COM library for version 5.0.7. Since I need to copy UTF-8 formatted files I was looking for a way to set UTF-8 filename encoding to "On" (as I do for the WinSCP executable, manually) via script. An example of code where I would like to set this is below.

(From MS 2005 SSIS dts package script)
With options
.Protocol = Protocol.Sftp
.HostName = Dts.Variables("My_WinSCP_Host").Value.ToString()
.UserName = Dts.Variables("My_WinSCP_User").Value.ToString()
(looking at this point for an variable to set UTF-8 filename encoding to "On")

A sample solution would be something like .UTF8Encoding = "On" but the dll doesn't suggest a likely parameter.

Or is this possible using SCP?

For other non-UTF-8 copies this is working great!

Thanks in advance -