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Topic review



As for your information, as another testing, we tested this file uploading
testing with a Gigabit line at the Online storage side temporarily.
(That is, as our current usual environment, the line using at the Online storage
side is not Gigabit line.)

With that temporary Gigabit environement at the Online storage side, it took
around 2 minutes with FileZilla 3.5.3, though it took around 7 minutes with
WinSCP 5.0.8 RC.


tkhsmr wrote:

When WinSCP 5.0.8 or 5.0.x will be released ?

I hope that 5.1 stable will be released before end of this month.


>Sorry, I've meant 5.0.8.
>Have you tested it?

Yes, I've tested it.
I could uploaded a file of 1GB with around 7 minutes with WinSCP 5.0.8 RC
with our current environment.

When WinSCP 5.0.8 or 5.0.x will be released ?


Sorry, I've meant 5.0.8.
Have you tested it?


Thank you very much for your taking care of my asking.

Anyway, when I asked the below matter to FileZilla Forum, some information came as below.

>>When I uploaded a file (about 1GB) from FileZilla 3.5.3 client (with its default settings) with SFTP to an Online storage
>>via Internet, it took 18 minutes to complete its uploading.
>>On the other hand, when I uploaded the above same file from WinSCP (with its default settings) with SFTP to an
>>Online storage (same as above) via Internet, it took around 1 hour to complete its uploading.
>>I somehow know that 1 file 1GB uploading with WinSCP become faster (around 18 minute or so) with creating newly
>>Windows registry setting "DefaultSendWindow" as like 262140 at
>>But, anyway, I wonder why a file uploading with FileZilla client is faster than WinSCP, without any registry setting
>>on the Windows client.
>>Is there someone who knows the reason or information ?

>FileZilla by default already requests a large TCP send window. That registry key only affects programs not requesting any send window size. Note that blindly changing operating-system wide settings can have detrimental side-effects.

Anyway, when are you scheduling to release WinSCP v5.0.x ?


Thank you very much for your comment.

I used WinSCP 4.3.x. (maybe 4.3.9 or 4.3.7)

Regardless of your advice as below, it seems that 5.0.8 RC is the latest testing build,
looking at the below downloading URL.

>What version of WinSCP are you using? Try using the latest 5.0.9 beta.

I will try my testing (1 file 1 GB uploading to an Online storage via Internet)
with 5.0.8 RC later, because I cannot find some downloading URL of 5.0.9 beta.

If you know 5.0.9 beta downloading URL, I would be grateful if you could tell me the URL.


Re: File uploading from WinSCP is slower than FileZilla.

What version of WinSCP are you using? Try using the latest 5.0.9 beta.

File uploading from WinSCP is slower than FileZilla.


When I uploaded a file (about 1GB) from WinSCP with SFTP to an Online storage
via Internet, it took around 1 hour to complete its uploading.
On the other hand, when I uploaded the above same file from FileZilla 3.5.3 client
(with its default settings) with SFTP to an Online storage (same as above) via
Internet, it took 18 minutes to complete its uploading.

I somehow know that 1 file 1GB uploading with WinSCP become faster (around 18 minutes
or so) with creating newly Windows registry setting "DefaultSendWindow" as like 262140
at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AFD\Parameters.
But, I don't want to change any registry setting if possible.

So far, except creating Windows registry setting as above, I couldn't find any solution
to become faster for a file uploading, even if I put checkbox "Enable compression" as ON,
or changing "Encryption options".

Is there someone who knows some solution or information to become faster for a file uploading
with WinSCP, without setting any Windows registry ?
