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Re: Clarification of "Command Line Options"

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Clarification of "Command Line Options"

I had been searching around for an SFTP client that could be used for automated file transfers. I came accross WinSCP, gave the site a good read-through, and downloaded. After spending a fair amount of time installing, learning, configuring WinSCP, then writing scripts and created scheduled tasks, I discovered it couldn't run non-interactively i.e could not be used for automated file transfers.

Only after I'd spent some time going through this support forum, did I confirm this was by design.

May I recommend that you update the section on product documentation on using command-line parameters ; though not explicitly saying, it does give one the impression that automated transfer is possible.

Just trying to help out the next guy, so he doesn't end up wasting as much time on this as I did! :wink:

But thanks for putting such a great product out there, I'm looking forward to using it some more.