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Re: Multiple channels?

martin wrote:

That is definitely the way I would like to do it. Unfortunatelly it requires too low level knowledge of SSH, which I do not have. Maybe sometime...

This is better done in the putty tool chain. There is already such a feature request on Putty web site. But development of putty is slow ...

Re: Multiple channels?

That is definitely the way I would like to do it. Unfortunatelly it requires too low level knowledge of SSH, which I do not have. Maybe sometime...

Multiple channels?

I don't know if this is possible. I noticed that MindTerm, a Java ssh client can multiplex several ssh channels on the same tcp connection. When you use background transfer, is it possible to use the same tcp connection for all background transfers? In this way, the overhead of establishing new connections can be avoided and also you avoid storing the password in memory, which you consider as a security risk.
