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martin wrote:

You can work around that by replacing ftp:// prefix with command line parameter /RawSettings FSProtocol=5

WinSCP.exe user:password@ /RawSettings FSProtocol=5
/passive /log="d:\connectionlogs\

thanks for the workaround with
WinSCP.exe user:password@ /RawSettings FSProtocol=5 PortNumber=21 /passive /log="logfile"
it works.

You can work around that by replacing ftp:// prefix with command line parameter /RawSettings FSProtocol=5

WinSCP.exe user:password@ /RawSettings FSProtocol=5
/passive /log="d:\connectionlogs\

martin wrote:

What's is the purpose of the call? Just to start WinSCP for interactive use? Or do you add some more parameters like /command to automate some operation?

the purpose is to start WinSCP for interactive use, the user should not have to enter a logfile or user/password , ftp/scp and the IP
WinSCP.exe ftp://user:password@ /passive /log="d:\connectionlogs\"
because we have to save our logfiles.

Re: winscp did not write a logging file

What's is the purpose of the call? Just to start WinSCP for interactive use? Or do you add some more parameters like /command to automate some operation?

winscp did not write a logging file

We have a database which creates application calls in this way:
WinSCP.exe ftp://{UserNameLocal}:{PasswordLocal}@{VPN_ADDRESS} /passive /log="{LOGPATH}{YEAR}_{MONTH}\{DAY}_{HOUR}_{MINUTE}_{SECOND}_{DEVICE_ID}_{WIN_USERNAME}.log"

but winscp did not write a logfile. Since we have to log all remote activities, we would need this feature. With ssh the log is working.

I tested /xmllog and /log. I get only the hint, that automatic actions not run if run as commandline