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Re: Organizing connections into folders & switching between conn

xxsawer wrote:

1) Is there any fast option how to move existing connections into folders without recreating them in that folders? I don't see any option like "Move to folder" or something...

That's true. You need to use drag&drop.

2) I see the way of switching among multiple connection has changed. Formerly there was a combo on the right side, now it's organized into tabs. Is there any setting to change this back?

No, the session drop down menu was discontinued.

Organizing connections into folders & switching between conn

I just upgraded to 5.1.0 and see, there are some gui changes...

1) Is there any fast option how to move existing connections into folders without recreating them in that folders? I don't see any option like "Move to folder" or something...
2) I see the way of switching among multiple connection has changed. Formerly there was a combo on the right side, now it's organized into tabs. Is there any setting to change this back?

Thanks, Dan