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Thank you very much! :D
There would be great to have some more usual tab related things, like close button on every tab or support for Ctrl-W to close the tab, but it's rather cosmetic suggestion...

The problem is I need them all for saving files. I leave remote files open in my editor, I don't close them before sending computer to stand by. And when I wake up my computer, change some file and want to save that file to currently disconnected server, I got an error. The (background) session is not opened/reconnected automatically. And the error message is (at least in Windows 7) invisible, because it doesn't pop up and thus is hidden below other applications, so I usually don't notice it.
Anyway, this is minor problem, I simply have to cycle through all sessions every day to force them to reconnect. It's just like going back in time, when Winscp had no auto-reconnect at all :-)

Re: Reconnect multiple tabs

The sessions are by design reconnected only when you need them.

Reconnect multiple tabs

Hi, I started to use tabs in Winscp 5.1. It works great with one exception. When I wake up my computer from standby, only active tab reconnects automatically. The rest of tabs stay disconnected until I click on them. Is there an option to force Winscp to reconnect sessions in all tabs? I didn't find it. In Endurance preferences I have all checkboxes checked...

Thanks, Marena