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Re: how to suppress a host key entry while downloading file in

VJ wrote:

I want to download files from ftp sites to local folder. Will each ftp sites has hostentry which needs to be checked on the code. If i want to suppress a hostentry for all websites. How to suppress the same using command. Is it possible??

Not sure what you mean by "suppress a hostentry".
Did you red this?

how to suppress a host key entry while downloading file in

I want to download files from ftp sites to local folder. Will each ftp sites has hostentry which needs to be checked on the code. If i want to suppress a hostentry for all websites. How to suppress the same using command. Is it possible??


Re: suppress console output in script

WinSCP does not print that line for every pair. First, it prints it for folders only. And only for folders, where there are some differences. The line is then followed by display of transfer progress for the different files.

Chances are that you are actually synchronizing every file over and over again. Check the log file to verify. For that case please consult

Let me know.

suppress console output in script

Hello WinSCPersons:

I'm running a simple script that uses 'synchronize local' to synchronize a local directory from a remote directory.

The script looks like this:

option batch abort
option confirm off
open sftp://<site> -hostkey="<hostkey>"
option transfer binary

synchronize local


When the script hits the 'synchronize local' line it spits out a line to the console for each existing file in the pair.

These are of the form:

Local 'D:\<directory>\<sub-directory>\<file_name>' <= Remote '/<directory>/<sub-directory>/<file_name>'

As their are many, many small files (>100k [!-don't ask]) in the remote directory it takes quite a while (hours?) to get to synchronizing any new files.

Is there a switch or parameter that will suppress or skip this console output?



On further investigation, I have a similar script that lists only the (new) files being synchronized, not ALL the files and directories.

It appears that something in the session setup affects the console output when the session is invoked in a script - am I correct?
