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Sending with explicit FTP over TLS - Hangs in SQL Job

Hello all,
I have the following script, which uploads files successfully via a .bat file called from an 'Execute Process Task' in a Visual Studio SSIS package, but as soon as I try to run it through a SQL Job it just sits there running forever and I eventually have to cancel it.

open TestUser@
put M:\OUT\TM0020121024110922_.csv

The stored session 'TestUser@' is sending with FTP explicit encryption and
I am running it from an 'Execute Process Task' in SSIS that calls a .bat file containing: /script=C:\test\FTPScript.txt /log=C:\test\log.txt

I am also running it in VS as the same user I an trying to run it under in SQL Management Studio.
Any help will be extremely welcome!