Thanks for reply.
I have attached logs.
This log is for following operations -
1. a test to check whether the remote location on remote host exists or not.
2. actual transfer of backup to remote location.
Please attach a complete log file.
I have written a small perl script which executes following command line to put the encrypted backup on SFTP server.
$cmd = "WinSCP.com /log=\"$winscplogfile\" /command \"option batch abort\" \"option confirm off\" \"open ".$FTPUser."\@".$remoteHost."\" \"cd $remotePath\" \"mkdir $destDir\" \"cd $destDir\" \"bin\" \"put \"$archPath\"\" \"bye\"";
(I am passing the password (input) to this command using stdin.)
The files I transfer are of type .tar.gz.enc or .tar.gz
It works some times. But recently, when tried on my new machine Windows XP. & FTPShell Server running on Windows 7.
I am getting following error -
. 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 File: backup_2012.10.26_13.58.15.1.tar.gz.enc"
* 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 (EOSError) System Error. Code: 2.
* 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 The system cannot find the file specified
. 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 Asking user:
. 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 File or folder 'backup_2012.10.26_13.58.15.1.tar.gz.enc' does not exist. ("System Error. Code: 2.
. 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 The system cannot find the file specified")
* 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 (EScpSkipFile) File or folder backup_2012.10.26_13.58.15.1.tar.gz.enc' does not exist.
* 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 System Error. Code: 2.
* 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 The system cannot find the file specified
. 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 Script: Failed
. 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 Script: Exit code: 1
. 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 Closing connection.
. 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 Sending special code: 12
. 2012-10-26 13:59:09.136 Sent EOF message
I am not able to figure out issue.
help is appreciated.
How to diagnose the exact error here? is it related to data blocking or some kind of blocking on windows system?