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Topic review


It works properly now, cheers. :P

Re: File names change with if the file names contain '3'

It's probably something with your configuration.
Please post here an export from
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration\Interface\CopyParam

And try to delete value LocalInvalidChars.

File names change with if the file names contain '3'

Hi I am using WinSCP 5.1.0 (build 2625) on Win XP.

I use WinSCP to connect to a Kubuntu server.

I found an issue, if i copy a file, for example, 'File321.txt' to my computer, the copied filenames becomes 'File%3321.txt' in the folder.

Is this a common issue in WinSCP, or something with the Kubuntu server?
