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Re: winscp

Pratik Bhagat wrote:

what is the reason behind , not running multiple instance of the winscp on the same machine at a time

Sorry, I do no understand your question (if that is a question).
Pratik Bhagat


what is the reason behind , not running multiple instance of the winscp on the same machine at a time

Re: Running multiple Winscp in the same PC

There's no limitation on WinSCP side. Netiher there's anything special you need to do.
Please post a session log file.

Running multiple Winscp in the same PC

I have created two applications where both applications will try to pull files from SFTP at the same time. The application which will connect to FTP first is able to download files successfully. But the second application is not able to download the files even after the first application completes downloading the file.

Can you please let me know how to download files from SFTP by both application at the same time.

Thanks in advance

Harish G