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Topic review


Indeed ! :)
thks a lot !

Re: SSL_connect: error in SSLv2/v3 read server hello A

It looks like you are using Explicit TLS with Filezilla, while Implicit SSL/TLS with WinSCP.

Try using Explicit TLS with WinSCP too.

Is my request too hard ?

Hello i need some news about it because it is blocking for a project.
WinSCP is integrated with Keepass with the plugin IOProtocole ext.
And as it seems to be a bug i need to know what is the status of it.
Do I have to wait or i can cancel it ?

thank you !


Any news about it ?



thank you for your reply.
You can find in attached Filezilla log, and winscp.


Re: SSL_connect: error in SSLv2/v3 read server hello A

Please attach complete log file both from WinSCP and Filezilla

SSL_connect: error in SSLv2/v3 read server hello A

HEllo All,

I would like use Keepass 2.20.1 and its plugin IOProtocoleExt 1.6 to connect to my database via FTPS.
Normally it uses the port 990 but for firewall security reasons, i have to use port 22.
On port 990 it perfectly works, but for the port 22 it is not the same

Here is the WinScp Error message :

SSL_connect: error in SSLv2/v3 read server hello A
Can't establish SSL connection
Disconnected from server
Connection failed.

I tested with success with Filezilla.

The FTPS is a IIS 7.5 running on a server 2008 R2
The certificate is a self signed one.

If someone has an idea
