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Re: Flow

Meatball wrote:

Does it have to be a SSH server on the other side?

Yes it have to be SSH server. Both for SCP and SFTP protocol.

And how does a SSH server works?

It does an encryption of the TCP/IP stream. Well it does many other things, but this one is the most important.

Can u use this client to send files to an FTP server as well?


Is there a server certificate or something?

The server has its public and private key. You may have yours pair as well, if you do not want to use password authentication.



I have alot of stupid questions here.. if you have time to answer I would be most greateful.

Can anyone explain the whole flow to me?
From SCP Client to a server.

Does it have to be a SSH server on the other side?
And how does a SSH server works?

Can u use this client to send files to an FTP server as well?

Is there a server certificate or something?