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Re: some copy operations logged

dominik wrote:

How do i get the full header? Isn't it automatically included in the logfile?

It is. But it got removed from all your logs.

Re: some copy operations logged

So it seems that you cannot reproduce this behaviour on your machine. Very strange.

How do i get the full header? Isn't it automatically included in the logfile?

Re: some copy operations logged

Thanks again. Can you please do both Copy File, variant 1 and variant 2 in one run and include complete session log file, including the header with all the system information? Also please include a screenshot after the upload.

some copy operations logged

Hello and good morning (or good evening?)

I did the following:

- install the latest version of winscp

Copy Directory with file
- create directory test locally.
- copy a file into it
- switch logging on, filename "winscp upload new directory.log"
- F5
- switch logging off

- the copied directory had the timestamp of the copying operation
- the copied file inside had an unchanged timestamp

Copy File, variant 1
- switch loggin on, filename "winscp upload new file 1.log"
- delete file on server
- copy local file up via F5
- switch off logging

- the copied file had an unchanged timestamp. This is reproducible.

Copy File, variant 2
- copy another file locally into test directory
- switch on logging, filename "winscp upload new file 2.log"
- copy local file up via F5
- switch off logging

- the copied file had the timestamp of the local version minus one hour.

Synchronize via keep remote dir uptodate (krdu)
- switch on logging, filename "winscp keepremotediruptodate.log"
- start krdu
- save modified version of one file locally (the file from file upload variant 1)
- stop krdu
- stop logging

- both files are updated, though only one had been modified
- now both remote files have a timestamp one hour smaller

Copy File Variant 3
- delete all remote files
- switch on logging, filename "winscp upload new file 3.log"
- copy file via F5 (the file I had used in variant 1)
- stop logging

- The file which had previously reproducibly been copied with no timestamp modification has now a modified timestamp of one hour less.

Everything is fine until a file is once copied via krdu. Then some modification of the file or some winscp-internal file attribute is made with the effect, that not only during automatic update, but on all following copy operations the timestamp is changed by subtracting one hour.
Because of this, the sync algorithm takes the synced files as older and syncs them all, regardless of having been modified locally or not.

I hope, that You can nail down the bug with this material, because it would facilitate my work considerably. It is a fine piece of software otherwise.


Thanks for your detailed report.
Can you please attach or email me a complete session log file showing upload of single file, when the timestamp is "reduced by 1 h"?
Can you please also include a screenshot of WinSCP before and after the upload?

Hi, so I found the time to test.

Unfortunately, WSCP cannot build up a SFTP-connection since some days to the server, so I can only report its FTP behaviour.


- establish FTP connection
- create 2 directories "test", one locally, one remote
- identify 2 files with timestamp difference and 2 without
- copy those from remote root to remote /test/ and local root to local /test/
- so there were 2 files without timestamp difference and 2, where
timestamp(remote) = timestamp(local) - 1h
- switch on logging
- switch on keep-dir-uptodate, without prior sync an without subdir check
- make a minor edit to one file , dyn.html, which had no timestamp difference
- let the copy process terminate
- stop keep-dir-uptodate
- stop logging

The result of the action was, that
- the modified file had also a timestamp difference as described,
- the unmodified file without prior difference remained untouched,
- the 2 unmodified filed with prior timestamp difference had
the same timestamp difference afterwards.

So it seems WSCP changes the timestamp in the course of updating a local file to the remote site during keep-dir-uptodate operation by subtracting 1 h.

I observed other peculiarities:

1. When I duplicate a file, the timestamp is reduced by 2 h, sometimes by 1 h.
2. When I copied a file from server to local, the timestamp was sometimes
reduced by 2h (before using keep-dir-uptodate), somtimes not and sometimes
it was the copy time (after keep-dir-uptodate).
3. When I copied a file up, the timestamp remained the same before keep-dir-
uptodate, but now it is reduced by 1 h.

So the timestamp behaviour seems very inconsistent to me.

Re: it's an FTP / SFTP problem

Please attach or email me a log file both using FTP and SFTP. Ideally on example of single directory (no subdirectories) with very small number of files (some that show difference with FTP, some that do not). Some accompanying coment or screenshots would be nice too.

it's an FTP / SFTP problem


I can reproduce the following behaviour:

connection via FTP <==>
some files show different timestamps on the server and locally. The difference is exactly 1 hour. These files are all uploaded twice, when one arbitrary file is modified. The timestamp difference after upload remains.

connection via SFTP <==>
all files show the same timestamp on the server and locally. Only the file modified will be uploaded.

So the problem does not occur in SFTP.

Thanks for the hint.

I did the following:

1. connect with SFTP (!)
2. ctr s (opens sync settings window)
3. check "sync timestamps" - o.k.
4. <-- window with all files to be synced --> o.k. to all

Now it works.

"keep remote directory ..." - too many files uploaded in FTP


when I modify one file, many if not all files of the directory are uploaded. And that action is repeated twice!

Can anyone confirm this behaviour? (v 5.1.1 downloaded today, XP Pro SP3)
