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Re: New User: How do I make my pages show up?

There's no way anyone here could know how your web server is configured, and once the files are in place on the server, its not part of winscp anymore.

Maybe you could doublecheck that you have the right URL, with your system administrator?
Also if you are the admin for the site, doublecheck you're in the right directories, compared with your web server configuration (e.g. if its apache /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf... look for the contentroot.)

if there is more than one hostname to the web server, that may also cause complications (its not a problem, just there are more possibilities that are hard to foresee).

Anything else is just guesses though - there are so many ways to skin a cat.

New User: How do I make my pages show up?

I'm a new (and rather confused) user, so any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I made my pages, and now I'm trying to put them on my website. I can connect fine and put them into the public_html folder, and then I switch my permissions settings to the right ones. But how do I make the pages show up online? When I type in the website address, the old pages (the ones I didn't just put into the public_html folder) still show up.