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Re: Invalid access to memory

martin wrote:

Please upgrade to the latest version and report if it fixed the problem or not. Thanks.

Hi, upgrading to the latest version has resolved this issue.

Thank you.

Re: Invalid access to memory

Please upgrade to the latest version and report if it fixed the problem or not. Thanks.

Invalid access to memory

When transferring a file from the local computer to the remote computer by using the button "F5 Copy", the file transfer failed part-way through and the following error message was displayed: "Invalid access to memory".

On following the link to the Help page [], the information therein states: "This error message is not useful for you as an end-user. It generally means that there is a bug in the software. Please report the bug."

The issue occurred repeatedly using "F5 Copy". However when the file was transferred via Drag&Drop, there was no issue.

OS: Windows 7 Enterprise 32-bit
WinSCP: 5.1.1 (Build 2735)
GUI: Commander
Transfer protocol: SFTP