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No, it's only hours and minutes in the remote file panel.

Re: "Keeping remote directory up to date ..." doesn't work when

Can you see timestamps with seconds precision in remote file panel?

"Keeping remote directory up to date ..." doesn't work when

Version: 5.1.2 (Build 2816)
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Type: FTP
Interface: Commander

I'm trying to use the option "Keeping remote directory up to date..." so I click it's icon and a window pops up named "Keep remote directory up to date"

I click "Start".

Whenever I change a file, 100 % of the times changes get detected and the log says:
16:04:35 Change in 'K:\web\test' detected.

However, only roughly 30 % of the time,
the file gets uploaded.

Any idea why this is?
As long as it doesn't get uploaded 100 % of the time, I can never be sure whether they are in sync or not so this is a big problem :(