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Topic review


I have tried to implement the feature. Unfortunately I have met many problems which I cannot think of in advance. So I have postponed the implemnetation. Sorry for not writting you sooner.

I see this didn't make it into 3.6.5 beta. Is there still hope? :?

martin wrote:

:-) OK, I'll do it myself. But it will take at least one month before I release new version.

Awesome!!! Many thanks in advance!

schuyler wrote:

Well, I was possibly willing to mire through the text files, if the GUI changes were moderate--i.e. making the CopyParams window available under the Login Dialog (and I guess the Session menu). If you want to reshuffle all the session properties in a new dialog box, then I'm not up to it. However I'd really appreciate the changes..... :wink:

:-) OK, I'll do it myself. But it will take at least one month before I release new version.

martin wrote:

I think that it would be better to make a new Session Preferences dialog and put it to Session menu (of the main window). Because it must be possible to change transfer options at any time. Other options from login dialog maybe moved there as well (Environment panel for example, or some options from Directories panel). For the transfer options I would add a "Make default" check (or button), that would copy the options to global configuration (to be default for new sessions or maybe for session the has not own settings).

I agree that it would be good to make this available under the Session menu, as well. However, the only 'Session Preference' I see that people might want to change mid-session would be "Resolve symbolic links"--besides that, all the stuff in SessionData objects is relevant to a successful login (proxies, SSH bugs, etc.)

martin wrote:

Anyway asmost of the task is about GUI changes, how do you want to do it, if you do not have C++ Builder?

Well, I was possibly willing to mire through the text files, if the GUI changes were moderate--i.e. making the CopyParams window available under the Login Dialog (and I guess the Session menu). If you want to reshuffle all the session properties in a new dialog box, then I'm not up to it. However I'd really appreciate the changes..... :wink:

Session specific filemask, please

Can I second that request? It would be a really useful fature.
Example scenario: There's the home share, where one uses as example 600 permissions. There's the web page, that ususally uses something like 644/655 permissions. And last but not least, there are project shares, that usually require 660.

--> Please add this feature. Thanks

I think that it would be better to make a new Session Preferences dialog and put it to Session menu (of the main window). Because it must be possible to change transfer options at any time. Other options from login dialog maybe moved there as well (Environment panel for example, or some options from Directories panel). For the transfer options I would add a "Make default" check (or button), that would copy the options to global configuration (to be default for new sessions or maybe for session the has not own settings).

Anyway asmost of the task is about GUI changes, how do you want to do it, if you do not have C++ Builder?

In terms of the GUI, I imagined that the "Transfer" tab would also be available under "Environment" just like "Directories," perhaps renaming 'Environment' to 'Session Enviornment' (or 'Session Properties', etc)). If someone set something there then it would override the defaults set in the Preferences section..

Programming wise, I figured a CopyParam object would be accessed from SessionData instead of Configuration. The SessionData object would then call Configuration if it didn't have it's own settings.

The coding part is not a problem. More complicated is GUI redesign. It primarily means moving "Transfer" tab from "Preferences" dialog to "Login" dialog. Unfortunatelly there are too many options to fit on it. I also do not know if I want to make login dialog more complicated that it is now. So that all I must consider before :-) What do you think?

peeking at the source for the first time, it doesn't look too complicated. I don't have Borland C++, but if I make a go at the changes would you look at them?

Re: filemasks session specific?

I consider that. But currently I do not think it is that important. Maybe if more people ask for it... :-)

filemasks session specific?

Currently, the Set Permissions preference is universal to all sessions.

However, our users connect to several hosts--some sessions should have a default world-readable permission, while others should default to only user-readable.

Could the set permissions preference be session specific?
