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Able to connect using GUI, command line is not working

Version of WinSCP : Version 5.1.3
Version of Microsoft Windows : Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
Transfer protocol : FTP
scripting/automation :
I was able to connect to the remote server using GUI tool but I was not able to connect to the remote server using command line

The options I picked in GUI are
Advanced options checked
File Protocol : FTP
Encryption : No Encryption
Host Name : Name of the Host
User Name : user name
Password : Password
Proxy Type : USER%user@%host
Proxy Host Name : Name of the Host
Port Number : Port number

The command line argument I used is

winscp> open ftp://user name:password@host name:21 -timeout=60 -rawsettings ProxyMethod=4 ProxyHost= proxy host name ProxyPort=port
Error Message : A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established
connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.Connection failed.

I am trying to figure out the ProxyMethod in command line that we have to use while using the option Proxy Type : USER%user@%host in GUI