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Ok, I've though so. It uses DDE. WinSCP does not support that.

The same as in the old version:

command = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Expression\Web 4\ExpressionWeb.exe" /dde
ddeexec = [Open("%1")]

Try to search registry to find what command does the Explorer use to start Expression Web.

Thank you, i read this and i tried all the options, but it doesnt work.

Expression Web opened from Windows Explorer -> "edit in Microsoft Expression web" works -> new opened files starts in a tab of the main program window.

Any other suggestions?

Re: Expression Web 4 opens many times when editing multiple file

It is rather a question for Expression Web support.
Theres likely some configuration option or command-line argument controlling that.
Most editor have one, see:

Please let us know if you find a solution.

Expression Web 4 opens many times when editing multiple file


i used Microsoft Expression Web for years. Now Microsoft made Expression Web 4 freeware and i installed that version.

I configured it under editors for .css files:

external editor
path to binary
i did not check the option: editor opens file in separate window (i use the german version, so i do not know the exact english text).

This worked with version before v4, but v4 opens a brand new programm for every file.

How can i resolve this, i want open all files in the same program window