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I have a similar problem: i can upload files up to 100kb exact and files bigger give me the same error message.

Re: Renaming files on mounted remote samba share

However, switching to the SCP protocol instead of SFTP DOES allow me to rename the file from within WinSCP- strange!!

Do you know why this is?

There can be many reasons, hard to tell. If you can create a test account for me on your server, I may try to debug this.

Re: Renaming files on mounted remote samba share

martin wrote:

  • Try other SFTP client to know if it is problem of WinSCP or your server. Any command line client would be enough (like OpenSSH sftp of psftp from Putty package).
  • Post a log file.

Hi prikryl - the log file doesn't give much more useful info, but here goes:

Renaming file "DEFAULT.CFG" to "DEFAULT.CFG.BAK".
Type: SSH_FXP_RENAME, Size: 81, Number: 19474
Type: SSH_FXP_STATUS, Size: 34, Number: 19474
Status/error code: 3, Message: 19474, Server: Permission denied, Language: ?
Asking user:
Error renaming file 'DEFAULT.CFG' to 'DEFAULT.CFG.BAK'. ("Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied (?)
Request code: 18")
Listing directory "/samba/meteor/c/temp".

I tried psftp and the same error message is displayed, so I guess technically not a problem with WinSCP.

However, switching to the SCP protocol instead of SFTP DOES allow me to rename the file from within WinSCP- strange!!

Do you know why this is?


Re: Renaming files on mounted remote samba share

  • Try other SFTP client to know if it is problem of WinSCP or your server. Any command line client would be enough (like OpenSSH sftp of psftp from Putty package).
  • Post a log file.

Renaming files on mounted remote samba share

Good afternoon!

I have a Windows share, mounted within my home directory (for example /home/leeph/windowsbox).

I am owner of all the files within the mounted share, and I have rwx permissions on those files. I can delete and create files within the mounted samba share, however I CANNOT use the 'rename' in WinSCP - all I get is...

"Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied (?)
Request code: 18"

Yet if I login using my SSH client as the same user, I can quite happily 'mv file file.bak' for example.

The rename function does work on files locally stored in my home directory, just not in the samba mounted share.

Any ideas??
