The purpose of master password is not to prevent you from modifying the stored sessions. It's only to protect your stored passwords. So if you pressed Esc on the Master password prompt, the password stored in the session (is any) is not decrypted and hence not loaded onto the Login dialog. While host name, user name, etc are loaded.
I have WinSCP version 5.1.3 (build 2881) installed on Windows7 x86. Any SFTP connection on my WinSCP install has been protect with master password and I have detect a problem when execute this steps:
1. set in preference a master password for any SFTP connection saved
2. create a SFTP connection and save it with a specific name form domain
3. close and reopen WinSCP
4. select a SFTP connection creted at step2
5. click on modify
6. winSCP ask me the master password to enabling the modify the SFTP connection. But in this case, if push a ESC button on my keyboard, WinSCP enable my action to modify though I do not know the master password.
Best Regards