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Re: Registering Winscp assembly library to be used with vbscript

martin wrote:

Are you running the command with the folder, where winscp.dll is location, set as working directory?

This did the trick, thanks.

Re: Registering Winscp assembly library to be used with vbscript

Are you running the command with the folder, where winscp.dll is location, set as working directory?

Registering Winscp assembly library to be used with vbscript


I want to copy/delete files from a remote server using ftp with WinSCP. I'm using a windows 7 32 bit system where i'm local admin. I already installed the downloaded setup file of Winscp and extracted the assembly (WinSCP.dll) into the setup file. No i want the register the .dll as explained on the site with the command in a prompt window: %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe WinSCP.dll /codebase /tlb. I keep getting the return: RegAsm : error RA0000 : Unable to locate input assembly 'WinScp.dll' or one of its dependencies.

What can be the problem here? Security?

Thanks in advance