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Topic review


Ok, thanks.


The reason is that we want to be able to set folders to be group writable but not files, so that users can upload files but no one else can overwrite files unless they delete or rename the file. The reason we have this is as a safeguard so we can't modify a file without first making a backup by renaming(timestamping) the file.

Sorry, but I really want to understand the use case. So again, how specifically would you set the permissions differently?

Basically, we want separate permissions for files and folders. So there would be two "Set permissions" fields. One for files and one for folders.

Re: Set separate permissions for uploaded files and folders

Thanks for your post.
How specifically would you set the permissions differently?

This request is tracked here:

Set separate permissions for uploaded files and folders


I work for a web development firm and we would like the ability to set file permissions differently for files and folders. I am referring to the "Upload Options" section in the Transfer tab of the Preferences dialog.

Thank you.