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Topic review


Connecting through remote server.


First of all thanks for creating this a great tool. It has been helped me to save lot of time and my process is simplified.

However, I have a specific requirement in my work, for which I couldn't find any feature in WinSCP. I have a group of remote servers that is accessible only through gateway servers. I am able to do this by logging in to the gateway server and then opening a session through PUTTY. But this is of little use to me, since only the contents of gateway server are available on the explorer, and basically the function of this gateway server is only to enable logging-in to the remote server. I need the contents of the remote server to be populated in the explorer.

Version : 4.3.7 (Build 1679)
OS : Windows 7
Transfer Protocol : SFTP
GUI Interface Style : Explorer

Kindly let me know if there is any feature in the tool that can enable me to do this.
