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Re:Re: How to use Paswordless WINSCP through Command prompt

I'm not sure if forward slashes may not cause a problem. In any case, please post a log file.

Re:Re: How to use Paswordless WINSCP through Command prompt

i tried this

c:/downloads/winscp374.exe /console sftp://user@server /script=c:/pritest.bat /privatekey=c:/test_linux.ppk

again asking for password

Re: direct link to files, s

i tried this

c:/downloads/winscp374.exe /console sftp://user@server /script=c:/pritest.bat /privatekey=c:/test_linux.ppk

again asking for password

Re: How to use Paswordless WINSCP through Command prompt

It should be /privatekey=c:/test_linux.ppk

How to use Paswordless WINSCP through Command prompt

i hav private key which is working fine
with winscp GUI but i hav to do this using command prompt.
so i m trying this command

c:/downloads/winscp374.exe /console /script=c:/pritest.bat sujan@ privatekey=c:/test_linux.ppk

but it still asking for pasword..

Re: winscp3.exe [(scp|sftp)://][user[:password]@]host[:port][/path]/[filename]

Guest wrote:

That would be great if we can have the additional commandline and not having to interactively mget/get a file:
winscp3.exe [(scp|sftp)://][user[:password]@]host[:port][/path][filename]

Scripting/automation feature is on current user poll, you may add a vote.

winscp3.exe [(scp|sftp)://][user[:password]@]host[:port][/path]/[filename]

That would be great if we can have the additional commandline and not having to interactively mget/get a file:
winscp3.exe [(scp|sftp)://][user[:password]@]host[:port][/path][filename]

that's great! i just voted for this feature. thanks for the great program, it's very helpful to me. bob.

Re: direct link to files, s

WinSCP cannot handle URL's pointing to file yet. But it is already on the wishlist :-)

direct link to files, s

hi, i know that winscp is registered to open sftp:// and scp:// links, but can it be used to directly download a file if given this url?




i have a passwordless private key so i can login without having to supply a password. is there any way to do this? i'm modeling it after the standard

right now, if i set up a web page with the link above (scp://, it opens winscp, i get prompted for my password, and then it says it can't cd to the directory. i'd like it to recognize my private key, and start downloading the file immediately like a normal http download. any ideas on if this will work? thanks, bob.