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Re: .Net Library Remove Files

Session.RemoveFiles should not remove the directory with the last file.
Please attach your code along with complete session log file (Session.SessionLogPath).

.Net Library Remove Files

I am running WinSCP 5.1.3 (build 2881). I am using the .Net library and writing a C# console application. I am connecting with SFTP-3 protocol.

My program is retrieving all the files (based on fileMask) in a remote directory. I don't want to get the files a second time, so I would like to delete the files after I successfully download them.

I have tried setting the Session.RemoveRemoteFiles parameter to true and have tried explicitly calling the Session.RemoveFiles method and passing a full path, including a specific file name. If the file being removed is the last file in the remote directory, WinSCP also removes the directory. Is this expected behavior? If so, it there a way to delete the last file in a remote directory, without removing the remote directory?
