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Re: Problem with Large ftp download

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Problem with Large ftp download

I am having the following problem transferring a 700 MB file from an ftp server:

The file seems to transer all right but it continues transferring past the original file size (it was at 1Gig when I stopped it). Another unusual observation is that the two rows of the % complete column show different values. At one point, the top one was showing 0% and the bottom one was showing 100%. Any suggestions?

This all happened with the previous version of WinSCP; I just downloaded the latest version and hope it will work now.

Also, I had the same problem with the same server in the past while using Filezilla, but I found that WinSCP worked all right; until today. :(

Again, I would appreciate suggestions.

Update: download worked with letaest version. Minor problem: WinSCP crashed (not responding in Win 7 64 bit) after download concluded (self immolation?).