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Re: why do I need to install the exe if I reference the DLL?

Chau wrote:

I have the same issue, too. I built a program using winscpnet.dll but when I run it, it's throw an error tell me it must have the winscp.exe to run!
How can I fix it???

Put winscp.exe to the same folder, where winscpnet.dll is.

Re: why do I need to install the exe if I reference the DLL?

I have the same issue, too. I built a program using winscpnet.dll but when I run it, it's throw an error tell me it must have the winscp.exe to run!
How can I fix it???

I missed that

Thanks, I should have read more of the docs.

why do I need to install the exe if I reference the DLL?

I wrote an SFTP program in VB.NET 2012, it works great using winscp. I was wondering why the program won't work with just the winscp.dll after I download it and add a reference to it in my program. I thought all of the compiled SFTP code was in the DLL, but apparently that's not the case. I have to install the winscp.exe before the program will work.
Is there a way to do the SFTP with just the DLL?