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Re: Is there a way to preserve "temporary" files?

No, it is not possible.

Is there a way to preserve "temporary" files?

I want to keep an up-to-date local copy of any files I open from WinSCP. I will not modify the files locally, but I need to keep an up-to-date copy of them for the SourceCookifier plugin for Notepad++.

I know I can change the Temporary directory, but it still adds on the unique 'scp#####' folder at the root. I would like to be able to disable that, so that I can know the absolute path to my files.

The other thing is that WinSCP clears out the temporary files upon exiting. Is there a way to prevent that? Instead, I would want it to overwrite any existing local file when you open it from WinSCP.

Is this currently possible?