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Re: Login failing with ip address

The error message above comes from the server. It means that you were already connected, but the authentication has failed. You should check the server's log or ask your server administrator.

Also you always wrote about FTP. WinSCP does not support FTP, only SFTP/SCP. Does your server support SCP or SFTP?

Re: Login failing with ip address

martin wrote:

What is exact message you see? I believe that WinSCP has no "sorry you are not allowed to connect" message.

"Server sent disconnect message
Sorry, you are not allow to connect"

ftp user name and pw are correct and I can connect to my domain name sites w/o issue, thanks, Cyn

Re: Login failing with ip address

What is exact message you see? I believe that WinSCP has no "sorry you are not allowed to connect" message.

Login failing with ip address

I'm new to SCP, have used WSFTP pro and others.

I have tried the ip with "ftp." and without it, I get a "sorry you are not allowed to connect". I can use the same login info in DreamWeaver and get right in. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, cyn